Lockdown listening with Michael Fuller

Michael Fuller, our Interim Managing Director, runs through some of the musical works he couldn’t live without:
It’s not exactly a desert island, since most of us have functioning internet connections, but we are certainly isolated from each other right now and it brings to mind the essential pieces you would turn to in such unusual and trying circumstances. Choosing the music is actually a really fun, and difficult thing to do!
Of course the problem is that there is so much great music out there that it’s really impossible to choose just ten pieces, so I’ve first of all bent the rules and included a number of compilations or “box sets” just so I could pile more great stuff in there.
Having played so many of these pieces, the experience of having performed them makes the memories and times connected to them really strong.
I guess it’s not necessarily the music that’s your favourite, but the stuff you just couldn’t live without…