The Philharmonia Gala Dinner and Recital

Hosted by Sir Sydney and Lady Lipworth
Tuesday 5 April 2022, 7pm

Violinist Nicola Benedetti in performance.

Join us for a musical celebration

We are delighted to announce that Nicola Benedetti will be joining members of the Philharmonia for an exclusive chamber recital to support the Orchestra. Nicola has kindly agreed to join us in support of the Orchestra.

Tickets for the Gala are £350 each, or £3,500 for a table.

Sir Sydney and Lady Lipworth are generously hosting the event with the aim of raising vital funds that support the Philharmonia. With thanks to their generosity, the direct costs to the Orchestra are small, meaning that majority of each ticket will be a voluntary donation eligible for Gift Aid.

Tickets include a direct cost of £10 and a voluntary donation of £340 which is eligible for Gift Aid. Tickets and tables will be allocated on a strictly first-come-first-served basis.


7.00pm Drinks reception
7.45pm Music recital
8.30pm Dinner
11.00pm Carriages

Book tickets

To reserve and book tickets, please use the form below.
For queries, please contact Maria Vizitiu, Events Manager at